
Google Maps API
The Caltrans, ODOT, and UPenn 'Google Maps Integration' links open examples of the Falcon/API integrated with the Google Maps API.
The CALTRANS Google Maps example demonstrates how a Facilities Management department in the Sacramento region would retrieve facilities-related documents for the listed stations.
The ODOT Google Maps example demonstrates how highway enigeers in the Columbus region would retrieve boring logs for the listed locations.
University of Pennsylvania
The UPENN Google Maps example uses a satellite view of the Penn campus to identify buildings with documents available to the FRES (Facilities and Real Estate Services) clients.
Display Document
The 'Display Document' link demonstrates the integration of Falcon/Publisher and the Falcon/API to publish a specific document from a hyperlink. The published document is a MicroStation DGN file with six reference files. (This demo requires unblocking browser pop-ups.)
Base Map Demo
The 'Base Map' demo is an example of how a graphical 'front-end' integrates with FalconWeb4 using the Falcon/API.
PDF|API Integration
The 'PDF | API Integration' link opens a PDF in which API calls are embedded. Clicking the highlighted buildings produces a search result listing the documents associated with each building.
GIS | Falcon/DMS Integration
These 'GIS Integration' links launch client-produced videos demonstrating the integration of GIS platforms and Falcon/DMS, using the Falcon/API.
State Agency
In 2005, the Ohio Department of Transportation’s Office of Geotechnical Engineering began the process of scanning approximately one million documents stored in a warehouse in Columbus. The internal and consultant-generated documents included boring logs, soil profiles, and geotechnical reports. This video describes ODOT's effort to make this Falcon-controlled information available through the DOT's GIS implementation.
Municipal Agency
In 2000, the Department of Public Utilities at the City of Columbus replaced its homegrown image management system with Falcon/DMS. This video describes the department's integration of Falcon with its GIS implementation.